Our Parish Priest, Father Henry Duc, celebrates Mass with us and is an active member of our learning community.
We encourage everyone in our community to be active participants in support of the children's faith development and outreach mission.

Parish sacramental program
Our Lady of Lourdes follows the Parramatta Diocesan policy regarding the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, and Reconciliation.
The parish where families worship is the parish where children receive their sacraments. In the Diocese of Parramatta, sacramental programs are parish-based and family-centred. While our school supports these programs, the parish sacramental team is responsible for the preparation of the children. Sacramental preparation takes place in the parish and involves the child's family.
Our Lady of Lourdes' parish-based sacramental program takes place every year for children in Year Three and above. An information evening takes place each year for those wishing to enrol in the following year's program. Parents are required to come along to all meetings with their child/ren.

Want to learn more?
For further information about Our Lady of Lourdes Parish or the Sacramental Program please contact the Parish office on (02) 9622 2920.